2011 Boise Calendar-Sponsorship opportunity

"as seen on Boisee.com." Think all the pictures of the 2011 Boise calendar have shown up here at one time or another. This sponsorship is a great deal, the "ads" and the info on the back are free with the purchase of 150 discounted calendars. Feel free to pass this on, or contact me with any questions.


The 2011 Boise Calendar

Featuring the art of David R Day

The 2010 Boise Calendar is a 13 month collection of the beauty that is Boise, Idaho.

Boise Native and Fine Artist David R Day ‘s Boise Calendars have become an annual  tradition.

The Boise 2011 13 mounth Calendar is a high quality 8.5'x11' wall calendar. Each month highlights the beauty and lifestyle of  the Treasure Valley with the unique veiw and feel of the work of David R. Day.

Boise 2011 Boise Calendar Sponsorship

Full Sponsorship includes:

150 Calendars

Your logo displayed on each month.

Expanded Sponsor info on the back cover.

A minimum of 1000 high quality 8.5x11 13 month Calendars will be printed for distribution.

Outlets to include:

Art in the Park

Art Souce Gallery

Airport Gallery

Gaia Gallery

Boise City Christmas Market

Perks of Life

The Fixx

Dawson Taylor

Interested vendors(not yet confrimed)

Boise Co-op

Barnes & Noble

This is a prefect way to thank your customers, friends, and employees and support the art and history of Boise.


(less then the  price of the calendars)